Types of Mastectomy  : 

 Mastectomy is the surgical removal of a breast. Surgery is presently the most common treatment for breast cancer. Following mastectomy, immediate or delayed breast reconstruction is possible in many instances.

Axillary Node DissectionAxillary Node Dissection :

Axillary node dissection, the surgical removal of the axillary (armpit) lymph nodes, is usually performed on patients with invasive cancers. A radical mastectomy, modified radical mastectomy, or lumpectomy operation often includes axillary node.

  Sentinel Lymph Node Biopsy :

Sentinel lymph node biopsy is a new procedure that involves removing only one to three sentinel lymph nodes. To perform sentinel node biopsy.

If the surgeon determines that the sentinel node contains cancer, more lymph nodes are removed and examined.

 Lumpectomy :

Lumpectomy is the surgical removal of a cancerous lump (or tumor) in the breast, along with a small margin of the surrounding normal breast tissue. Lumpectomy may also be called wide excision biopsy, breast conserving therapy or quadrantectomy (this latter term is used when up to one fourth of the breast is removed). The procedure is often performed on women with small or localized breast cancers and can be an attractive surgical treatment option for breast cancer because it allows women to maintain most of their breast after surgery. Several studies have shown that women with small breast tumors have an equal chance of surviving breast cancer regardless of whether they have a lumpectomy, followed by a full course of radiation therapy, or mastectomy (complete breast removal, which generally does not require post-operative radiation treatment


 For breast cancer you may have chemotheraphy .


  1. Before surgery to shrink tumor down .this can mean you need less surgery may be able to removed cancer without mastectomy
  2. After Surgery to prevent spreading & coming back.
  3. Treating Cancer that has come back which called  secondary breast cancer which often treated with therapy. 

Radiation Therapy

Breast-conserving therapy (BCT) is the surgical removal of a breast lump (lumpectomy) and a surrounding margin of normal breast tissue. BCT is typically followed by at least six to seven weeks of radiation therapy.

A modified radical mastectomy with lymph node dissection may take about two to three hours to complete.

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